【活動】新時代下兩岸變局觀察 時勢座談會歡迎參與2024年6月12日(三)

2024 “Symposium on Observing the Cross-Strait Situation in the New Era”

Organizers: [Association for the Unity of the Chinese Nation], Ming Chuan University Cross-Strait Research Center

Date: Wednesday, June 12, 2024, 8:40 AM – 12:30 PM

Location: Ming Chuan University, Jihe Campus, No. 130 Jihe Road, Shilin District, Taipei (J616 International Conference Room)


Theme: Interpretation of Global Changes: Europe and America, East Asia, China

Taiwan in the Changing Situation (in conjunction with the May 20 speech), Cross-Strait Relations, and the Future of Taiwan line: https://forms.gle/bjEBEU7ATtKCwcQ9A



聯絡窗口 陳小姐 02-28809007peggy@gmail.mcu.edu.tw